Trump's Size Problem


Trump is insecure and overcompensating. Just the fact that he needs to erect towers all over the world emblazoned with his name in huge, tacky, gold letters would make me wonder, but I have seldom seen a man so concerned with the size of things.

He overstates his wealth. He overstates his success and popularity. He is strangely concerned with the size of his hands. He lies that his electoral win was the biggest since Reagan. He lies that his popular vote loss was only because of illegal votes. He sent Sean Spicer out to begin his career as Press Secretary to lie about the inadequacies of the size of his inauguration crowd. Just today, he called the pro-Trump rallies with hundreds of supporters a “huge turnout” (no, Donald, the millions of people who turned up to protest your Presidency had a huge turnout).

Ten weeks after I originally wrote this article, Trump still can't stop going on about the size of his electoral college win, despite the fact that it was not particularly exceptional. Now he has started bragging about the size of his tax return (although like so many braggarts, he is unwilling to let anyone see it to verify).

At one of the Republican debates, Trump guaranteed that he does not have a size problem, but by now we have learned that his bold assertions are usually false.

Trump even thinks our nuclear arsenal (a large collection of explosive phallic objects, when you think about it) isn’t big enough, even though it is large enough to destroy the world many times over.

I am not saying that Trump necessarily is poorly endowed. Unlike some Russian prostitutes, I am fortunate enough to have never seen his shriveled junk. But he is overcompensating. Maybe it is a size issue. Maybe he can’t get it up. Maybe he just realizes that if it wasn’t for the money, no reasonable woman with an ounce of self-esteem would let him put his gross little hands on her.

Whatever it is, he has “small man’s complex”, and beyond being a fun thing to pick on him about, it is very relevant.

Real leaders don’t need to tell you they are strong. They just are strong, and everyone knows it. They may be subtle, or they may be braggarts; but they don’t have tell you. Trump’s fragile ego and insecurities make him unstable, dangerous, and weak.

From a resistance stand point, this is useful, because he is so thinned skinned he is easily flustered by being corrected, challenged, or made fun of. When he is flustered, he lashes out and shows how crazy and thoughtless he is, and that undermines his agenda.

The other side of it is though, that he is dangerous. If he is challenged too much, he may well act based upon insult or perceived attack that could threaten the foundations of democracy or get America into a dangerous situation (a war, a diplomatic crisis, or a trade dispute).

If you want to send Trump supportive comments about his male insecurities, natural male enhancements, or perhaps a pump; you can send it to the address below. Don’t send Viagra; it is a prescription drug and illegal to give away. Don’t send anything that may seem like a bomb or threat. You can get in trouble, and we liberals (and smart conservatives) are better than that.

President Donald Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500